June 16, 2022

Time for a new website

If you're anything like me, then there's always room for improvement in everything we do. I'm always looking for the best ways to present my work, and I finally came to the decision it was time to create a new website on a platform designed for photographers. That's why I moved my website over to Pixieset.

There was nothing in particular wrong with my former website hosted on Wix, but there were little elements that I noticed, that made me feel less professional than I would have liked. In my opinion Wix is not quite designed for photography professionals, despite having templates that are meant to work for it. Pixieset is where I already host my client galleries, and after looking into their website builder, I decided it was for me. I hope you all like what I've created.

One challenge I've faced over time is the fact that I cover a broad range of photography, and I've had to think long and hard about how to actually present it in a clear way. Previously I had just six sections to my website, but it started to get complex. Should I really be mixing in my boudoir photography on the same page as my portrait images for example? I had also neglected to showcase any of my event photography, despite the fact it was the first style of photography I ever ventured into. The fact I was neglecting it just because 7 sections would ruin the grid on my homepage was just a bit nonsensical.

So the ease in which this website builder splits up categories and sub-categories really called out to me. Having the main categories of Commercial, People, Events & Property then allowed me to break everything else down into more refined sections. Drink photography now has its own page separate from food, which is great if I'm talking to a cocktail bar.

I also love the fact that I can host a client area on here, which not only makes it easy for clients to see where their passworded albums are with ease, but it also means that people viewing my page can get a bit more of an insight into who I've been working with recently. Have a click on the client area and you'll see what I mean.

I will be using this blog to share some of my thoughts and advice on photography, as well as also showcasing some of the ways that my photography is used. I'm also a graphic designer, so often I get to combine my photo work with my graphics work, which is when it really gets to show off its value, whether on menus, flyers, websites, social posts etc.

Ryan x