June 16, 2022

Beautiful Bournemouth

Cancelled shoots are never a good thing, but sometimes you find yourself with an unexpected free day to really make the most of. Today was one of those days. After discovering my portrait shoot today wasn't going ahead, I decided it was a great day to jump on a train and visit the closest seaside town, Bournemouth.

As someone who's lived in Southampton all my life, I probably shouldn't say that I always find Bournemouth more beautiful in practically every way. The lure of a long sandy beach is the most obvious selling point of course, but there's more to it than that. Bournemouth's buildings in the town centre have been thought out in a more artistic way, the park running through the centre is truly a delight to walk through, and even the buskers are fantastic.

I decided to take my e-scooter with me, so I could shoot straight down to the seafront when I arrived, and head quickly up and down along the seafront to get some nice angles for a few photos. There are some great vantage points as you rise up onto the cliffs either side of the pier, and I was also surprised to be greeted by some goats as I got to the top of east cliff.

The weather wasn't ideal for landscape photos today, just as there was a lot of haze, despite it being mostly sunny. It made for some muted sunshine, and quite flat skies, but I was still able to get some nice images and tones, especially as the sun started to set, as you can see in the helter skelter photo. I also took a ride on the Big Wheel (think London Eye, but smaller) on the seafront just before sunset, which made for some stunning views, at over 100ft in the air, before jumping back on my scooter and then heading home on the train. In the end, a day well spent.